On the outside, the seems like a fine app for the preschooler/elementary crowd. Will be taking further action if something doesn’t change (for the poor kid who is being brainwashed). I have contacted you tube kids upward of 20 times but to no avail. I uninstalled this app, it is toxic for children, I strongly suggest everyone steer clear. I do monitor what my children watch but it seems like after a week or so or after the app/device update all of the blocked videos magically appear. Then you have the subliminal messages in these kids videos, if you use the bar and scroll through some of the videos, you will catch an extremely brief image of something extremely creepy/ inappropriate. A (what sounds to be an adult male) displaying gross amounts of candy on a table then exclaiming “So yummy in my tummy”. And then you have channels like “Candyland”. Or, the finger family video where all of the I believe Spider-Man characters (again) are lined up, and are shooting each other in the head blood, death whole 9. Then there is the video where Spider-Man shoots I believe Deadpool with what looks like a very real pistol (Glock 19 to be exact). A 20th Century Fox theme song that CLEARLY depicts a swastica. There are so many examples I can personally give. There is NO WAY that this app is monitored at all, like it claims to be when you setup a profile.

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